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Benefits of Grounding

Grounding is a little-known concept that can have big benefits for your health and well-being. Grounding refers to the process of connecting your body with Earth’s natural energy. This happens when you go barefoot outdoors, or even indoors on certain surfaces such as bamboo flooring, certain types of metal (such as copper), or even concrete floors covered with dirt. Grounding is particularly beneficial for people who suffer from chronic pain or inflammation, sleep disorders like insomnia or restless leg syndrome—or anyone who wants to improve their overall health by reducing stress levels and improving sleep quality.

What is Grounding?

The act of connecting to the earth’s surface is called grounding, and it’s a great way to get electrons from the earth into your body. As we all know, electrons are what make up everything in our world—they’re found in every atom and molecule on earth, including us! By getting more of these essential particles into your body through grounding, you can reduce inflammation and ease pain, improve sleep quality and energy levels, regulate your immune system function, boost mood and mental clarity…and much more!
Since grounding has so many positive effects for health (and even for healing), it makes sense that people would want to give it a try. But how exactly do you ground? Can you do it indoors or outdoors? How often should you ground yourself? Let’s take a look at some answers now.

Why Do We Walk Barefoot?

Why Do We Walk Barefoot?
Walking barefoot is the ultimate way to ground yourself and connect with the Earth’s natural energy. The theory behind grounding is that it allows excess electrical energy in your body to be discharged into the ground through the soles of your feet. This discharge of energy helps balance neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine. By keeping these neurotransmitters balanced, you can reduce stress, anxiety and depression while improving sleep quality. In addition to being an effective tool for releasing negative emotions, walking barefoot has many other health benefits such as:

  • Improving circulation
  • Decreasing inflammation
  • Increasing joint mobility

What Are the Benefits of Grounding?

The most significant benefit of grounding is that it can help relieve acute and chronic inflammation.
The process of grounding, or “earthing,” involves being in direct contact with the Earth’s surface. You do this by wearing special shoes (or getting barefoot) and touching the ground. By doing so, you’re able to receive an electrical charge from the earth that has been shown to decrease pain and increase energy levels. That’s because being in touch with Mother Earth results in higher levels of antioxidants—which prevent oxidative damage—as well as more serotonin production (the chemical responsible for regulating mood).

Protecting Cells from Oxidative Damage and Reducing Inflammation

Oxidative stress is an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants in the body. Free radicals are molecules that damage cells, causing inflammation. Grounding helps reduce oxidative stress by having a direct effect on reducing inflammation. The reduced oxidative stress can also help prevent chronic diseases like cancer and cardiovascular disease by removing unstable oxygen-containing molecules from your system, which can be damaging to your DNA over time.
It’s important to note that grounding will not have an immediate effect on reducing inflammation or oxidative damage; rather it reduces the amount of time that these processes occur over time by preventing them from happening at all! This means grounding will help increase cellular health while simultaneously preventing future cell damage!

Improved Sleep and Reduced Fatigue

There are many benefits to grounding. Grounding can improve your sleep and reduce fatigue, as well as help with pain management. It helps reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, which in turn reduces the risk of chronic diseases like cancer, heart disease, arthritis and asthma. These effects can help you feel less stressed, less anxious and less depressed—all factors that are related to sleep quality. If you’re interested in grounding for sleep or energy purposes but aren’t sure where to start or what kind of device is right for you (there are several options available), check out our How To Get Started section below!

Decreased Anxiety, Depression, and Chronic Pain

Grounding is often used to treat symptoms of anxiety and depression, as well as chronic pain. This can be especially helpful for those who have found other treatments ineffective or difficult to implement.
However, it’s important to note that grounding isn’t intended to replace medication; it should only be used in addition to prescribed treatment plans.

How to Ground Yourself Indoors or Outdoors

Grounding is a simple and convenient way to relieve stress. To ground, you simply need to walk barefoot on the earth (or sit with your feet on the ground). This can be done indoors by lying down or sitting in a chair with your feet touching the floor, or outdoors by walking in grass or sand barefoot.
The grounding technique goes back thousands of years and has been used by many cultures around the world as a way to improve health and well-being. Grounding has been shown to have many benefits including:

  • Ease anxiety and depression
  • Reduce pain from inflammation due to arthritis or other conditions such as fibromyalgia
  • Improve sleep quality

Grounding Techniques and Activities

You can ground indoors or outdoors. Some effective grounding activities include walking barefoot on grass, lying down on the ground and feeling your body connect to the earth, or standing in water up to your ankles and letting yourself be supported by its buoyancy.
When you’re grounded, you’ll notice a decrease in pain as well as an increase in energy levels. Grounding also helps restore balance between the sympathetic (fight-or-flight) and parasympathetic (rest and digest) nervous systems; this is especially important if you’ve been under stress for an extended period of time.

Going barefoot outdoors can reduce inflammation, ease pain, improve sleep, and more.

Going barefoot outdoors can reduce inflammation, ease pain and improve sleep.
Grounding is the process of connecting to the Earth’s energy and it has many health benefits. Grounding can help reduce inflammation and pain; improve sleep; reduce anxiety, depression, chronic pain and increase cardiovascular health.

When we step outside barefoot our feet connect with the Earth’s surface energy, called Geopathic Stress. This energy is different than electromagnetic fields (EMFs) produced by wireless technology such as cell phones or WiFi routers that are harmful to our bodies.

We may not be able to change the world overnight, but each of us can make a difference in our own lives by reconnecting with nature. And when we do, we’ll find that being grounded feels good—physically and emotionally. We hope these benefits have you ready to get outside and feel the earth beneath your feet more often!

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