Simply a quick recipe for tasty guacamole! Great with tortilla chips,sandwiches or as a topping for your favorite Mexican foods!
Easy & tasty Sweet Potato Veggie Burger Recipe with black beans! You don't have to be a vegan or vegetarian to love this recipe! Bon appetite!
Alone Time or Lonely? Discovering Your Truth: Explore how we can make the healthy shift from feeling lonely to enjoying your alone time.
Keep your hands clean when you are on the go with this cleansing DIY hand sanitizer spray gel that is super easy to make at home for everyone to enjoy. We hope you enjoy this DIY Hand Sanitizer and look forward to your feedback on this recipe.
Spring is a great time to consider doing a simple Ayurvedic Spring Cleanse. A cleanse is an easy way to buffer your health and protect your well-being for the coming months. Learn more about the Ayurvedic Spring Cleanse here.
Green Guide – Vancouver Are you an eco-centric person? Do you strive to live a “greener” life? This is a guide to enhance your Vancouver experience through helping you discover amazing organic eateries and hubs, wild beaches and much more! Get the guide for free here.
Five reasons why you should roast and eat pumpkin seeds this Halloween. Pumpkin seeds have so many health benefits, and there are many ways to enjoy them. You can eat them as a snack, add them to a smoothie, with yogurt, make a pumpkin seed butter, and even sprinkle some on top of your pumpkin soup. Do you have a favourite pumpkin recipe or use of pumpkin seeds, share it with us for a chance to be featured in our recipe section this autumn! Learn about the 5 Huge Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds here.
Another delicious recipe from Chef Ashley Nicole, learn how to make her mango bread with vanilla lime glaze. It is very easy to make, and so tasty! This is a sweet bread that can be enjoyed after breakfast or dinner, or as a snack with coffee or tea. Caution, we have been told that this is very addictive and hard to stop eating! We hope you enjoy this yummy recipe! Please make sure to share your photos with us, we would love to see them!
What do Lavender, Thyme, Lemongrass, Wild Orange, Bergamot, Rosemary and Frankincense all have in common? If your answer is-- They are all nature’s gifts to humankind. You are correct. Wellness is a combination of lifestyle and health. Daily habits make all the difference! Make Frankincense Essential Oil a Lifestyle Habit.
Can you eat your way to a better mood? More scientific research is saying so. Recently we wrote about depression, in the article Beat Depression without Prescriptions using Natural Alternatives and what we can naturally do to help ourselves. Today, we will extend that article and focus on the 6 mood-boosting foods that are known to help with this affliction. Try these 6 mood-boosting foods that are known to help you.